This blog is not meant to steal anything from anyone. I want share my love for history and Shakespearean plays through this blog. Shakespeare changed historical account a bit and I may do the same for the sake of the play which is a historical tragedy.
I hope my readers like it. :-D
Foot Note:- Copying from this blog is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Act 1 Scene 3

A place of worship in Hamilcar’s residence, and there a sacrificial chamber. Enter Hamilcar along with Young Hannibal

Hamilcar: Now son, prepare to embrace that path which thou hast chosen.

Young Hannibal: Prithee, go ahead father.

Hamilcar lights a fire in the sacrificial chamber; and then holds Young Hannibal aloft over the vicious flames.

Hamilcar: Upon these flames chastise thy self and take oath; that thou shall for all thy mortal years,
never extend a friendly arm towards Rome .

Young Hannibal: Father, Rome shall forever from now be my eternal enemy.

Hamilcar: Take a solemn vow: that with time thou shall take up true responsibility of a Barca; and curb Rome’s imperial charge. As soon as age permit, thou shall with the aid of fire and steel, put an end to all of Rome’s successes and arrest its destiny.

Young Hannibal: I shall father, and effectively by doing so, at an appropriate time, arrest its destiny.So long as I shall draw breath, it shall be my sole purpose of being alive. Nothing shall come between me and my lifelong ambition. Even in my darkest hour I shall never give way to mine sworn enemies. I shall fight them till from my bones my strength will ebb. Nothing stopping ere that, I solemnly do pledge.

Hamilcar now takes his son away from the flames and to the Goddess

Hamilcar: Now let us move to the Goddess and solemnize thy vow further; that thou shall forever oppose the Roman way of life; that vengeance ‘gainst Rome shallst be thy only duty.That never in thy life shall thou rest whilst Rome dines, feasts and enjoys dominating other civilizations. Thou shall find any means to oppose Rome and thou shall begin that practice from now and from this very hour.

Young Hannibal: I redouble my promises that I did make over the flames; so Amen.

Hamilcar: Amen; and son the hours run faster than the fastest winds; let us to bed.
On the morrow we shall sail off to Iberia and begin our relentless quest to defeat Rome.



  1. teh epic soliloquy! teh absolute epic!!

    keep up teh good work!

  2. Absolutely epic! This just keeps getting better and better.
