This blog is not meant to steal anything from anyone. I want share my love for history and Shakespearean plays through this blog. Shakespeare changed historical account a bit and I may do the same for the sake of the play which is a historical tragedy.
I hope my readers like it. :-D
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Friday, July 2, 2010

Act 3 Scene 2

Saguntum, inside the city gates. Alarum and Flourish, Enter Hannibal victorious, followed by Hasdrubal and Mago, and two promising generals Maharbal and Hano; and Carthaginian soldiers and citizens.

Hannibal: Citizens of Saguntum, though many of thee were tricked by Rome into fighting ’gainst us, thy liberators, but, ay; putting that behind; those of thee that still art drawing breath; here, listen, that from this day on, thou art free men. The abolishment of the shackles of Roman servitude, and the yoke of slavery that Rome does impose on its allies, is the sole purpose of the people of Carthage, thereby now, all we ask is thy moral support, for this shall be a base from which we shall rid the world of Rome. Citizens! What is still in thy minds? After Rome’s blatant betrayal is it meet that thou shouldst stab our backs? Nay, for even if thou were’t lifeless objects, like this sword that I now draw forth, or like the walls and pillars of thy great city, even they wouldst not think twice before joining our noble cause. But thou art of flesh and blood, brain and brawn, and intelligence. Using thy logic, with which thou art bestowed, think, that shallst thee keep confiding with back-stabbing and double dealing Rome or shallst thou associate with plain-speaking Carthage? Saguntines the choice is thine to make, whilst I wait to hear it.

1st citizen: Hannibal, we shallst do as thou pleasest, as of now thee holds all the cards. Rome shallst not be be ever trusted. However, we demand a few things from thee.

Hannibal: Prithee, name them.

2nd citizen: In return for our support as a Carthaginian military base, and supply of horses, which are the minions of their breed, and tributes we demand a permanent garrison of 20000 men.

Hannibal: Granted and what amount of support shallst we get from thee?

1st citizen: 9000 o’th’ best horses that money can buy and able people can chance upon in this world; noble ally to the Carthaginian cause and handsome tributes some of which we now have at hand from our villages.

The citizens give Hannibal the tributes.

Hannibal: It is most gratifying to see such acts of affection from one’s erstwhile foe, which today we receive not from friends. Well and truly we are allies.

All citizens: All hail noble Hannibal! All Hail!

[Exeunt the citizens and troops

Hannibal: This meeting done, none more to worry about here in Hispania. Hence to Italia to liberate the others like these men that reel under the accursed Roman rule. This city gives us the vantage from where we will assault Roman heartland and slaughter their troops that outnumber us many times, by use of cunning. Noble Hasdrubal, I fear that thou shallst have to stay on here, for I feel with thy presence, Hispania is secured and safely invested to serve the purpose of Carthage. Maharbal, tell us about thy thoughts on cavalry that we hope to gain and so to, when he is done I shallst seek audience from noble Hano.

Hasdrubal: What ever is thy wish Hannibal, and I shall see to it that it does not fall, if it does then believe brother so do I.

Maharbal: These people are true to their words and the horses shallst give us the edge over these clumsy Roman equestrians. Besides it is of great honour to support thee and a matter of dignity to fight alongside thee. The challenges of open battles are immense, ay but I am bent up to do it against the Romans.

Hano: And so shallst I follow suit; my gallic heavy cavalry and Maharbal’s numidian light cavalry shallst mow down the Roman counterparts.

Hannibal: Brother Mago, I will need thy valiant support, to accompany me into Rome and then communicate with the others for help if and when we may needst it.
Mago: Ay, thy vision I shallst hope to fulfill and try to bring my generous support from the home government.

Hannibal: So, we with little rest must march up country and thither, set up camp to summon the demise and the decadence of Rome.

Others: Carthage shallst be victorious!



  1. this was a good scene. the villagers submitted to hannibal. teh wise thing to do on their part. now me will wait for teh next chapter where methinks you promises me war! XD

  2. @Miroku: War r ektu pore...Act 3 Scene 5 !! sorry bear wid teh auld fool....:-D
